Marriage Defined

Feb 12, 2025By Victorious Bongi
Victorious Bongi

World Marriage Day was on Sunday, 9 February 2025, and Marriage Week is from the 7th to the 14th of February. In commemoration of these days, it would be ideal to look at what marriage truly is. 

When cultures debate marriage-related questions and discuss the ethics of sexual relationships, there is a fundamental distinction between those who consider marriage to be, in its essence, a thing “given” by God and those who regard it as a cultural construct. 

Marriage has, of course, many culturally variable expressions. People enter marriage through varied ceremonies and engage in marriage in different ways. However, in its essence, the institution is a part of the Created Order.

Marriage is a natural union but a perfect and divine institution, ordained of God. It was established by God Almighty at creation and derives its authority from the infallible Word of God, immutable and unchangeable. Marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman, and God.

What views do you have on marriage? How do you define it? 

The truth is that the success of your marriage greatly depends on your understanding of what marriage is.